【同义词辨析】 2017-08-23 使用use-apply
use: implies availing oneself of sth as a means or instrument to an end: willing to ~ any means to achieve her goals.
employ: sug. using a person or thing that is available BUT idle, inactive or disengaged, by putting to some work or profitable activity: your time might have been better ~ by reading.
utilize: sug. the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use for sth that might be overlooked or wasted: meat processors that ~ every part of the animal.
apply: stresses bringing into contact or relation with sth. else such that it proves useful or acquires practical value: ~ specific rules to the situation.
use: 使用某物达到目的, 可见很通用, employ: 使用可用但闲置的人或物,使其工作创收, utilize:发现新的实用之处,通常针对容易被忽略浪费, apply应用: 使接触关联,从而证明有用处有价值。
a) employment
b) applied physics
c) to utilize coal
3)使用的意思是使有用mean to put into service especially to attain an end or to give a practical value.